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Friends in Nature



My life had become out of control and unmanageable due to my addiction to drugs and alcohol. I had hit my bottom. I was ready to surrender...It was time for a change.  I needed a safe place to build a new beginning and a strong foundation.

The Hilljack House was highly recommended by my sponsor and in May of 2023, I was accepted into the program.  It didn't take long to find out that the structure and accountability were what I needed.  The help I received in my first week alone was overwhelming. The house was clean, warm, and inviting.  Shortly after moving in I obtained employment and was already beginning to see the changes in my life.

Today, I am a valued employee at a job that I like, surrounded by people that I love.  I have developed new healthy relationships, and have mended old ones; however, being a father to my children is the biggest gift of all.  

Through working the steps of alcoholics anonymous I now have a spiritual relationship with God and see him working in my life and through others.  I look forward to tomorrow and I am forever grateful for Hilljack House and the people in it.

Scott C.

Hilljack House Alumni

Watkins, Erica: President

Andrews, Liz

Anton, Kayla

Bauer, Larry

Bell, Julie

Blaine, Dayle

Brooks, Jarred

Brown, Melvin

Cahallan, Katie

Collier, Kevin

Corcoran, William

Dangling, Monica

Dreoge, Amanda

Farris, Brian

Gries, Taylor

Gruber, Jordan

Hemmingway, Randi

Henry, Deborah

Hildebrand, Hannah

Hoffman, Miles

Jamerson, Jamey

Jensen, Duyane

Kinlough, Sean

Kladky, Pamela

Kling, Daniel

Lee, Timothy

Logan, Mikel

McBride, Cathy

McCline, Kendell

McKenna, Jonathan

Nelson, Jessica

Nyland, Samantha

Pugh, Jennl

Ryffel, Angela

Scarpace, Jennifer

Schultz, Joshua

Skelton, Sarah

Smith, Crista

T, Daniel

Thomure, Randy

Vorhies, Dean

West, Melanie

White, Micheal

Whitehead, Kody

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