Executive Director
Dawn’s career at the Hilljack House began in 2015 as a part-time employee overseeing the women’s house and today is a full-time employee overseeing all locations. Her duties include direct services with the residents helping to remove the barriers related to employment, family, legal and recovery.
When not working with the residents she focuses on the managerial side of the organization including fundraising. Prior to working at Hilljack House Dawn worked with female offenders returning from prison transitioning back into society. Her compassion for the residents coupled with her drive to reunify families makes her a perfect fit for this organization.
Dawn returned to school in her mid-forties after completing an Associate’s Degree in Human Services and Certification in Addiction Counseling and transferred to the University of Missouri. She lead the commencement ceremony for her undergrad class in 2016. Dawn remained on the Dean’s List throughout undergrad and graduate school and received academic scholarships including (Phi Theta Kappa). In 2018 she graduated at the top of her class with a minor in Psychology and a Masters in Social Work.
While completing her education Dawn was the fulltime care giver for her 100% disabled mother who passed away right before she graduated. She also lost her only son to the disease of addiction so she understands very well why the mission of Hilljack House is so important and has totally dedicated her life to helping others. Every day she goes to work with an attitude of gratitude and not only focuses on the organizational side of Hilljack House, but just as important what she can do to improve the quality of life for the residents.
When not volunteering Dawn loves spending time with her family and friends. Her interests include travel, motorcycle riding and most recently health and fitness. She served several years as a board member for a non-profit that focuses on breaking the cycle of incarceration and for the last 7 years has been involved with an in-town convention that is recovery focused.
When asked why she loves her job so much she just smiles and says, “because I receive so much more from being here than I could ever give in a million years.”